Thursday 14 February 2008

Red Balloon

Possible idea for a reworking of the film by Albert Lamorisse is to use the structure of the story altering it to highlight issues in alcoholism.

the main character in the original finds friendship in a red balloon in the proposed version the main character is changed to a sterotypical glasweigan ned.
like the original the ned finds friendship in a object, in this version a bottle of buckfast is chosen to replace the ballon mainly as it has become a symbol for the youth culture in Scotland.
in keeping with the structure of the real story the bottle seems to follow the ned, and as to make it take on a life of its own the bottle seems to never empty, it is full every time it re-appears.

Following the same/similar events in red balloon the ned and his bottle come across obsticles such as the janitor, the teacher, the headmaster, bullies, and grandmother.

The friendship comes to a dramatic end when the pair are confronted by bullies. Its at this point the ned realises whats really been going on, that its him that has been purchasing the never ending supply of alcohol and that in trueth his has serious alcohol issues that has been reaping havock on his life and his loved ones.

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